Loving Back to School - Our Blog - The Corbin Clan

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we will serve the Lord."
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Loving Back to School

The Corbin Clan
Published by in Homeschool ·
It's that time of year again.  Every parent of young children and every child realizes one very important truth.  It's almost time to go back to school.  And as a homeschooling parent, I'll be honest, I love it.

I love starting fresh with my kids.  Whatever struggles they had last year or whatever things they disliked, they're behind us.  I re-evaulated my curriculum choices, made new choices where needed, and hopefully eliminated the things they disliked.

I love starting new learning adventures.  Topics change from year-to-year and sometimes, it's nice to move on to something different, to explore something new.  It's kind of like how by the end of winter, I'm tired of my winter clothes and by the end of summer, I'm tired of my summer clothes.  Well, at the end of the school year, I'm tired of what we've been learning and just ready for some change.

I love slowing down from our busy summer pace and returning to what is normal and comfortable.  Though my kids love all the camps that they attend in the summer, I really just love the simple joys of sitting by them with a book in hand, curling up to watch a movie with them, taking a walk through the woods with them, and doing those things that are just special because of them.  School time is our time, and it's precious time to me.

I love knowing that soon we can go to the children's department of the library or to a local park during the weekdays, and they will be mostly empty.  And if we decide to take a trip, whether a day trip or a several day trip, we'll be practically alone, and not have to worry about the crowds.  Being someone who doesn't do well with crowds, this is a big plus in my book.

I love that the start of school means cooler months ahead, and an excuse to curl up by the fire with my family.  No worries about having to wrap everyone up in warm clothes to take them out on cold mornings to school.  Instead, we'll stay in our pajamas, pull out the blankets, start the fire, and make memories that I'll always cherish.

I love homeschooling because it's time with my children and that is more special to me than anything else in this world.  And as I count down the days to start our new year, my heart leaps with joy because I know, for those hours of school each day, they're all mine to enjoy!  So, yes, let's go back to school.  And let's go back soon!

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