Our wedding anniversary is quickly approaching and as I was thinking about it, I began thinking about what our wedding was like and how God can use even a person’s wedding to be a witness to others.
You see, Scott and I built our relationship on Jesus, and ministering to others was the heart of our life. So, we wanted our wedding to reflect us and our passion for not only each other, but for our Lord.
What did that mean for us? Well, we mostly used songs that are from the usual wedding songs like “Sanctuary” and “God Is So Good.” And we shared our love story by telling how God brought us together and how we had not played the “dating game” while waiting on the right person. And so forth.
It was different. I’ve never been to a wedding like it in my life, not before or after. But it was perfect for us. It was a great reflection of our life and heart.
Afterwards, there were the usual “how beautiful” comments. And there were some that even commented on the spiritual side of it. For the most part, though, nothing came out of it.
However, there was one lady… After our wedding, she said that it made her think about and realize that she needed to get back in church. She soon began attending the church that we went to at that time. And after Scott and I started Truth Chapel, she came to support us in our new ministry.
And she was such a blessing and support to us. She was always willing to do whatever was needed for the church. She even thought of nice things to do for us like the time that we were travelling to Baton Rouge for Camp Meeting and she packed us a basket full of snack foods and toy cars for Matthew who was small at the time.
Our wedding served as a reminder to this lady of her need for God in her life which prompted her return to church and her being a faithful and very giving servant.
Sadly, this lady was diagnosed with cancer which led to a very early death. It was very sad but praise God, we know she is in heaven.
When this lady came to our wedding and decided to get back in church, she gave her heart and life back over to God and began to serve Him, she had no idea of her coming death. And when we planned our wedding, we had no idea that it would be used to touch this heart and life before she would go into eternity.
I am sharing all this because I was thinking about how even a wedding was used to turn a life around. May we always let our life and all that we do be a reflection of Jesus Christ. Many will ignore it and not care, but if just one is drawn to Jesus because of what they will see, then it will be worth it.
I tell Scott all the time that when I die, I want my funeral to praise God and share about Him. I even want the song played that says, “Some day soon, church I’m leaving. Going to a meeting around the throne. I’m going to shout, ‘Troubles are over,’ as soon as I move to my brand new home.” And when people leave my funeral, many may go on their ways, ignoring it or even being shocked by it. But it just one is led to give his/her heart back to God or come to Him for the first time, it will be a blessing.