08/2019 - Our Blog - The Corbin Clan

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"...as for me and my house,
we will serve the Lord."
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Walmart Grocery Pick Up

The Corbin Clan
Published by in Family ·
A few years ago, I began seeing the signs and hearing the discussions for Walmart grocery pickup.  I was intrigued with it but probably took about a year before I actually gave it a try.  And once I did, I was in love!

As a homeschooling mother of five children who also helps her husband pastor a church, run a radio station, and many other things, spending over an hour each week in the grocery store was one of those things I dreaded doing.  I have friends who often talk about going from store to store to get the best deals, and though I appreciate saving money, because of my busy schedule, my thought was always, "I just want to get it done."  

So I finally gave it a try.  And it quickly became my main method of grocery shopping.  Once a week, I make my list, and then use either my phone or iPad to browse the products, add them to my cart, and checkout.  Then, at the scheduled time, I get a text that my groceries are ready for pick up, and I pull in, get my groceries, and head home.  So now, my grocery trips take a maximum of 5 minutes.  And for that, I'm extremely thankful.  But let me tell you other wonderful things I love about it.

1)  Point one, which I already discussed, is the fact that it's a time saver.  And that is a big reason for our home.

2)  It prevents me from over shopping.  How many times have you been in the store to pick up a few things and walked out with a cart full?  Well, there's no more doing that.  I get exactly what's on my list and nothing more.

3)  It prevents my husband from grabbing the wrong thing.  Yes, on those times that I would ask my husband to run in because I was overtaxed and couldn't make it to the store right then, sometimes he would grab the wrong thing.  He tried, and mostly did great, but once in a while, there would be those mistakes and now, I'm able to tell the shopper exactly what I want so there's not the slip ups.

4)  I get to choose what day and time I want to do pick up and can arrange it to fit my life better.  Sometimes, I choose a time when I know I'm going to be headed home from somewhere and that way I can swing right in and grab the groceries on my way home.  But what I really enjoy doing is be able to schedule a pick up on my way home from a vacation so that when I get home, I don't have to turn around and go to the store first thing to look for groceries.

5)  Sometimes there are substitutions if they are out of a product.  And when you arrive, they will ask if you are ok with the substitutions.  Occasionally, I'm not but often, the substitutions are better than what I ordered like a bigger size (for the same price of the smaller size) or a better brand (for the same price of the cheaper brand).  In other words, when they substitute, you still pay the price of the product you ordered.  And therefore, you could get more for less money.  

6)  Just point number 1 has me sold to Walmart grocery shopping but if 1-5 are not reasons enough, how about free goody bags?  Yes, every now and then, I pull up and get free treats from my deliverer.  I've received cold bottles of waters on hot days and bags filled with various samples and coupons on holidays like Thanksgiving, Easter, and Mother's Day.  And who doesn't love free stuff?  

So, if you haven't tried Walmart grocery pick up, give it a try.  You may find that you love it!  And use this link to save $10 on your first order of $50 or more.

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