Over Twelve Weeks Pregant - Our Blog - The Corbin Clan

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"...as for me and my house,
we will serve the Lord."
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Over Twelve Weeks Pregant

The Corbin Clan
Published by in Pregnancy ·
In so many ways, this pregnancy is going by so quickly.  I told Scott the other day that I can’t believe how soon the baby will be here…  You see, at our house, we count time based on holidays and special occasions.  So, here is what the rest of our wait looks like: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, my birthday, Valentine’s Day, Scott’s birthday, Gabrielle’s birthday, Elijah’s birthday, Resurrection Sunday, Jeremiah’s birthday, Mother’s Day, BABY DUE!  And from experience, I know that the time from Thanksgiving to Mother’s Day always flies by.  I always plan lots of activities, cooking, etc around all these days and therefore, by time I finish with one, I am working on the next.  Question is, when do I prepare for baby?  Thankfully, since we have four kids already, most preparations are complete!

Well, pregnancy is going…  Well, it’s going!  I spent the first 10+ weeks either sick or sleepy all the time.  When I wasn’t sleeping, I was sick.  When I wasn’t sick, I was sleeping.  I felt horrible but kept reminding myself that second trimester would be here soon and second trimester is always a breeze.

Well, heading into second trimester has not been such a breeze.  Nausea is almost completely stopped.  Not nearly as sleepy either.  Grant it, I still head to bed way before everyone else at night, but I don’t have that uncontrollable desire to sleep at all parts of the day like I did.  So, there have been some improvements.

However, a couple of weeks ago, I began having horrible back pain.  It’s so bad, at times, that I can hardly walk.  In fact, any kind of movement whatsoever sends me into horrible pain.  So, I went to my chiropractor.  I needed relief.  And he helped.  But, he informed me that my spine is completely fine…  The pain I am feeling is coming from joints in my hips because hormones are already loosening them up.  So, here I am with this pain that comes and goes, never with any warning, and at times it completely stops me from all activity.  Miserable!  But I’ve been praying about it and asking God to bless the remainder of this pregnancy, making it pain free!  And I have felt some improvements this week.  So, I’m hoping the relief will continue!

On the positive side, I think I’ve been feeling some baby movement.  Seems a little early but last week, I was resting in the bed and I felt a very faint, quick movement right in the area that the baby is located.  I was surprised, realizing that mothers who have had previous pregnancies sometimes feel movements sooner than others, but not expecting it to be this soon.  But I didn’t say anything to Scott initially, just in case I was imagining things.  The next day however, I felt the exact same movement in the same area.  Since then, I have felt it even more so.  I don’t feel it every day but when I do, it’s a wonderful feeling…  Of course, I can’t wait until the movements are strong enough and often enough that the kids can join in the excitement.  I know they are going to thoroughly enjoy feeling the baby move!

Pregnancy has been interesting thus far.  But I know, when our little one is in our arms, it will all be worth it.  Growing a baby isn’t always easy, but it’s a blessing that I am so grateful that God has given us!

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