Prioritizing - Our Blog - The Corbin Clan

The Corbin Clan
" for me and my house,
we will serve the Lord."
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The Corbin Clan
Published by in Family ·
It’s been a very long time since the last time I have posted, and a very long time since this website has been updated.  That is, a very long time until now.

Why?  What has been going on?  And why am I back?

Three years ago, our church began a school.  And I would no longer be a stay-at-home mom that yes, stayed busy every minute of the day, but had the ability to plan each day according to what my family and I needed to accomplish for the day.  I was now bound by a schedule that didn’t bend for our family needs, spending 5 days of my week in another location other than my home, meeting the needs of more children than just my own, and finding myself busier than I could have ever imagined.  It was what we felt like God led us to do, but it was an adjustment to say the least.

And then, our church began a radio station.  And I would have several programs on that station, meaning that when I was not at school or busy around the house, I now had radio programs to make.  Suddenly, sleep became something I felt like I had to do without, but I could feel the effects all over me.  

So then came that time in my life when I was just left with a hundred uncertainties and questions.  So, I prayed.  I prayed, and prayed, and prayed.  I believed more than anything that God had opened these doors of ministry, and yet, I also felt like my life was becoming something I did not want it to become.  

My husband and I were both so worn out, and conversations became mostly digital, and les face-to-face.  I was watching my children growing and changing ever so quickly, but feeling like I was missing it because I had so much to do.  The things that once were a priority in our home, were becoming the nonessentials that we just didn’t need to think about.  And the idea of running a website was just a frivolous waste of time that I did not have.  And not having a website was fine, but the other things were things that deeply concerned me.

I would talk to Scott about these things and these concerns.  And I would pray for God’s direction.  I did not know what to do.

Then, little by little, God began giving me direction, helping to prioritize and keep going through the doors He had opened, but not at the expense of my family and my home.  And little by little, He was helping Scott with that as well.

So, it has been an adjustment.  A learning process.  A change.  And we’re still learning and seeking the Lord’s direction in all things in our lives.

And, as we have been seeking Him, I felt like God showed me to not only update our website, but to use it more often to share our stories, recommend products and services that are a help to us, and more.  And so I begin here, today, with this post.

I am excited!  It’s been a long 3 years of a lot of learning.  But today, Scott and I are than ever before, I am embracing the joys of parenting more than ever, and I feel a peace with God and His plans for my life that I so desperately needed.  And I really believe that great things lie ahead in many ways.

So, I hope you’ll join us often, read and share our posts, and be blessed by our experiences and the things we share.

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