Expecting Again - Our Blog - The Corbin Clan

The Corbin Clan
"...as for me and my house,
we will serve the Lord."
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Expecting Again

The Corbin Clan
Published by in Pregnancy ·
Well, here we go again!  Baby #5 is on the way!

To many, this may come as quite a surprise.  Yet, some may have already noticed the random comments Scott has made recently about being fruitful and multiplying and questioned to themselves if we were making plans for yet another one.

I’m sure some (maybe even many) are going to look in shock, gasp, scowl, and have all kinds of other negative reactions.  Why?  I’ll never understand.  We have not once asked anyone to financially or physically support our kids.  The only people who have ever babysat for us are our mothers and that has been very rare.  So, for people to have such a negative reaction to such a beautiful thing as children is beyond me.

That being said, we are very excited that God has blessed us with yet another precious child.

To be honest, we thought we were finished with four children.  Scott and I agreed before Elijah was even conceived that four would be it for sure.  And we agreed for months after Elijah was born that we were complete.  In fact, I even sent all my maternity clothes to the local Goodwill store.

But then, doubts started to come.  Were we missing out on a blessing of God by stopping at four?  Was there perhaps another life that was meant to be a part of our home?

We thought, prayed, and talked about this for months.  The kids began begging for another baby, insisting that we needed another one, surprising us both.

So, I made a list.  My list was called, “Reasons Not to Have Another Baby.”  I tried to tell myself that I was being crazy and wrote out every reason why this would not be a good idea.  And then I went over the list with Scott and he agreed, all those reasons sounded like good reasons.  But then, they just didn’t seem to matter.  We talked through each of those reasons and found ways that we could make them work.

Before long, there was no question about it, we wanted another baby!

And praise God, our heart’s desire was fulfilled immediately.

Many won’t understand us, but it doesn’t matter.  Our home is being blessed with yet another beautiful and sweet life.  A precious little baby is currently growing inside of me.  And in 8+ months, we’ll hold another life in our arms and one day, we’ll say to each other, “I can’t imagine our lives without this one.  Thank God, we had him/her.”

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