Six Weeks - Our Blog - The Corbin Clan

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" for me and my house,
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Six Weeks

The Corbin Clan
Published by in Pregnancy ·
Here I am, a little over six weeks, and symptoms are in full swing.  You name it, I probably have it.

Nauseated?  Oh yes!  All the time.  Only been actually sick a few times but that constant feeling of nausea is one of the most disgusting things that you can imagine.  Prior to a positive pregnancy test, I told Scott that I was either pregnant or coming down with something because I felt horrible  And it has only increased.

On the other side of that, though, is the enjoyment that I suddenly find with each meal.  Scott and the kids are always amused at me as I take a bite of something then carry on about how good it tastes.  I told Scott earlier that some things are just yuck right now but if it’s good, it’s better than it’s ever been.  Foods that my body likes right now are extremely good!

And one of those foods that I just can’t get enough of these days is, believe it or not, chicken.  I have been eating chicken every single day, sometimes twice a day.  I like it any way it is fixed: fried, baked, in a casserole, in a stew, barbequed, etc.  I just love it.  And yes, I realize that just because I’m craving chicken all day that everybody else is not necessarily excited about it.  So, I have been fixing other dishes for the family and just making the chicken for me.

Been experiencing a lot of tiredness, lately, also.  In fact, I wouldn’t mind a bit just spending an entire day curled up in the bed.  It’s not going to happen but I sure would enjoy it.  I do, however, have to take times to rest because by lunch time, I just get to the point that I am yawning every five minutes and can hardly keep my eyes open.  But the kids are great about giving me some quiet time, realizing that Mommy needs to rest for the baby.

Emotional?  Of course!  Perhaps the most humorous emotional even thus far happened last weekend.  Scott and I took the kids to a festival in our town at a former plantation.  At the festival, they were reenacting scenes from the Revolutionary War.  Well, our 4-year old, Jeremiah, got scared and began to cry.  The next thing I knew, I was knelt beside him, crying also.  Scott gave me the funniest look and was in shock at how I was just sitting there crying!  I laughed about it, too.  I realized, even at that moment, that I looked like a fool, but oh well!  That’s what pregnant women do!

And of course, there are the constant bathroom trips.

And so forth.

But, I realize that all this is a phase that will pass.  Meanwhile, my family has been a huge support.  Scott, especially, has been very patient.  He doesn’t say much when I’m emotional or when I’m foggy-headed (yet, another symptom I experience with pregnancy).  He doesn’t fuss when he comes home and sees I haven’t been able to get much housework done.  He doesn’t complain when I call and ask for him to pick up some chicken on his way home.  He is 100% supportive, kind, and loving.  He is the best husband.  I am so thankful for him and our kids.

So, here I am.  A little past six weeks and anxiously waiting.  I have my first prenatal appointment at nine weeks.  We will have our first ultrasound then, also.  We are so looking forward to this special time and even more so, looking forward to finding out if a boy or a girl is on the way.  Of course, we won’t know that until our second ultrasound later on!

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