Expecting a Baby... - Our Blog - The Corbin Clan

The Corbin Clan
"...as for me and my house,
we will serve the Lord."
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Expecting a Baby...

The Corbin Clan
Published by in Pregnancy ·
Well, it’s been a long time since I have written anything.  Life keeps me busy but I’m taking some time right now to try to update everything around.  And that includes the fact that I had my ultrasound this past week.

The big day came that we were all waiting for.  Would the baby be a boy or girl and more importantly, is everything growing right?

Most people I knew assumed we wanted a girl.  After all, with 3 boys and only 1 girl, I had to be wanting a girl… Right?  Well, not exactly.

I always had a rule about being pregnant.  If I couldn’t go into a pregnancy knowing that I would be happy with either a boy or a girl, then I wouldn’t even think about having another baby.  It just always seemed odd to me for people to conceive with the intention of having that boy or that girl and then, when they end up with the other, I always feel like that makes for an awkward situation.

So, before conception, Scott and I agreed that it was time to expand our family, be it boy or girl.  And, as always, we prayed for this future baby.  As I would pray, I always asked God to give us the gender child that he knew would be best for our family.  If anyone knew best about what our family needed, it would definitely be God.  So I prayed, and trusted God to make the best decision.

Meanwhile, we talked to our kids a lot about the fact that we were adding on to the family.  Initially, they all agreed that they wanted a girl.  I explained to them that the baby is what it is and we just need to trust that God made the best decision for us.  They understood this and quickly decided that it didn’t really matter.  Only Gabrielle still hung on to the hope that maybe it would be a girl.  She told me once, “I don’t mind if we have a boy but I sure wish I had someone to sleep with me.”  I sympathized with her desire for a sister but knew it was totally out of my hands.  And I also knew that despite Gabrielle’s thoughts that she wanted a sister to share her room with, only God knew for sure if this would be a good idea.

So, the day came for the ultrasound.  We all went.  Within minutes of the ultrasound starting, the technician moved to a bottom view and as she explained the different body parts being seen, I laid there very aware of what I was seeing and wondering if Scott or the kids were aware as well that we were looking at a little girl.  Then, the technician finally made the announcement and the kids continued to just sit quietly and watch.  I wondered at this silence but before long I could hear a rise of whispering among the kids and knew that they were trying their best not to be disruptive!

After seeing that out baby was growing well and looking good, we went to the doctor’s office to wait for him to expound on the ultrasound results.  While waiting, we made the final decision about a name.

All our children are given a first name that is a Bible name and a middle name that is a family name.  Scott and I had agreed years ago that if we ever had a second daughter, she would be named after his mother, Lynette.  So, we only had to decide the first name.  Scott and I, with the assistance of the kids, had made a list of Bible names we liked and dwindled it down week by week until we got he list down to about 4 names.  Jeremiah, our 4 year old, was given the privilege to decide that Chloe would her first name… Chloe Lynette Corbin.

So, we are expecting a girl and we are thrilled.  Just a few more months and we’ll get to hold her in our arms and she’ll fill our home and lives with even more joy.  We are blessed!

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